Here are some Biblical facts about spiritual battle:
●His motives: to kill, steal, destroy - John 10:10.
Relevant Scripture:
exists and is real (Matt.4:10 ) -- he is talked about in the Bible as if he
does’s a ‘given’ that he is real.
He is created but
he is not co-equal with God.
He is limited (Job 1:6-2:6), “like a
mad dog on a chain.”
He is not all-powerful, he is
not all-present, but he does have a whole
host/a world system of co-workers to
assist him (Eph.6:12).
Bible doesn’t give us clear teaching on ‘satanology’ as it is written to a
people who already are aware of his existence.
tend to be ignorant in general of the spiritual world.
and his spirits are cosmic, invisible and totally evil.
Spiritual battle’ is a multi-dimensional SIN issue which can be evident on 3
●a battle from
within -- a battle of the flesh and/or the mind (Rom.8:7-8,
Eph.4:17-24, 2 Cor.10:3-5) -- actual or imagined
(it is often
played out in the following areas: immorality, impurity, sensuality)
●a battle from
without -- a battle in the world/world system/culture/society
/relationships (1 John 2:15-17, Eph.5:7-10, 2 Cor.2:11, Eph.4:26-27)
(it is often manifested in
strife, jealousy, dissensions, etc.),
●a battle with
cosmic powers -- evil, supernaturalism (Eph.6:10-19, Rev.12:3-9),
idolatry, sorcery, etc.
entire human race is ruled by satan through:
●attacks the minds
of the unbelievers (Matt.13:19, 2 Cor.4:3-4, 2 Thes.2:9-10),
●attacks believers
(Lk.22:31, 2 Cor.11:3, Eph.6:12).
We give him an
“opportunity” or a foothold in our lives through:
- 2 Cor.2:11 and
anger - Eph.4:26-27.
Our present reality
is that we are within a war between 2 kingdoms -God’s
kingdom and satan’s kingdom (satan
cannot attack God, so he attacks
is already defeated/Jesus Christ is victorious:
Luke 10:18 Romans 8:37 1 Cor.15:24,27 2 Thes.2:8-11
1 John 3:8 Rev.12:11 Rev. 20:10,15
●His names (which
reveal his strategy and his character):
'dragon' - Rev.12:3-4 (to
the Greek mind, a dragon was cruel, a dread and
a hostile power)
'devil' (‘the adversary’)
- Matt.4:1-11, 1 Peter 5:8
'evil one' - Matt.13:19
of lies' - John 8:44
'accuser' -
(‘deceiver’) - Rev.12:9
'ruler of this world' - John 14:30
- 2 Cor.2:11
- Matt.12:29
'prince of power of the
air' - Eph.2:2
of light' - 2 Cor.11:14
●His ‘fiery darts’
when attacking believers (Eph.6:16):
-doubt (James
1:6) - he is master at planting seeds of
- feeling forsaken
(Psalm 139:9-12,17-18; Rom.8:35-39) - he
can tempt us to
think that even God has withdrawn
His love for us,
- feeling
unacceptable to God (Rom.5:6-10, 8:1; 1 Peter 2:4),
- not feeling
forgiven (1 John 1:9) - remind yourself: ‘Lord, this sin just
proves that I needed a Savior. Thank You for dying on the cross for me!’,
slander, bitterness (Heb.12:15, Eph.4:31),
-“if only...” (Ps.84:11) - makes me hope in something other
than God,
-immorality (1
Thes.4:3-5, Col.3:5, 1 Cor.6:11) - ‘lust can never wait to take,
but love can always
wait to give’,
(Is.43:4,1 Peter 2:5, Eph.2:10, 1 John 4:7-21LB ) - remind
yourself that you’re
worth just as much to God as Jesus is worth to Him.
response as believers in the battle:
●resist firm in
faith, resist and flee (1 Peter 5:9, James 4:7),
●realize your
position in Christ (Eph.2:6) - you are assured victory over the
●realize you are
fighting in God’s strength (Eph.6:10),
●realize that His
angels are assigned to you (Heb.1:14),
●clothe yourself in
the armour of God daily (Eph.6:10-19).
Where the battle is played out:
●The battle against
the flesh/mind - confess all known sin immediately, give the
enemy no opportunity (do not allow bitterness, anger or
unforgiveness to
continue); “take every thought captive” (2 Cor.10:3-5).
●The battle against
the world - renew your mind constantly, keep short accounts
with God and others, (Rom.12:1-2, 1
Thes.4:1-8, Eph.4.1 - 5:14).
●The cosmic battle –
-rely on the
supremacy of Jesus’ name (Lev. 10:17, Phil.2:9-11),
-rely on the power
of the atoning blood of Jesus (Col.1:13-20, Rev.12:11),
-rely on the immanent
presence of the Holy Spirit (John 14:6-7, Eph.5:18),
-invite the Holy
Spirit to manifest Himself as:
→light to penetrate darkness (I John 1:5)
→truth to expose deception (John 16:13)
→fire to destroy impurity (Mal.3:3),
-rely on the power
of faith (Eph.6:16, Rom.4:20-21),
-resist the enemy
(James 4:7, 1 Peter 5:8-9),
-rest in the
assurance that the battle is the Lord’s (1 Sam.17:47,
2 Chron.20:15).
will break and lift the oppression in His way, in His time (2 Thes.3:3,
17:15) our power to ‘bind the strongman’
(Matt.12:29, 16:19) - our power
and authority over
the enemy comes as we take our stand in the name of Jesus.
Chron.20 Ps.35:1-10 John 17:15 2
Pet.5:8-9 1
Kings 19 Ps.91,
97 Rom.16:20
Cor.12:7-10 1 John 4:4 Dan.10 Ps.118
Cor.2L11 James
4:6-11 Col.1:15-20 Ps. 18
9:1, 10:18 Eph.6:10-19 Rev.12:7-11 Eph.1:18-22
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