Monday, June 14, 2010

The Reality Of Spiritual Battle

Here are some Biblical facts about spiritual battle:

Satan exists and is real (Matt.4:10 ) -- he is talked about in the Bible as if he does’s a ‘given’ that he is real.
            He is created but he is not co-equal with God.
     He is limited (Job 1:6-2:6), “like a mad dog on a chain.”
    He is not all-powerful, he is not all-present, but he does have a whole 
        host/a world system of co-workers to assist him (Eph.6:12).

The Bible doesn’t give us clear teaching on ‘satanology’ as it is written to a people who already are aware of his existence.

We tend to be ignorant in general of the spiritual world.

Satan and his spirits are cosmic, invisible and totally evil.

Spiritual battle’ is a multi-dimensional SIN issue which can be evident on 3 fronts:
            a battle from within -- a battle of the flesh and/or the mind (Rom.8:7-8, 
                    Eph.4:17-24, 2 Cor.10:3-5) -- actual or imagined battle,
                   (it is often played out in the following areas: immorality, impurity, sensuality)
            a battle from without -- a battle in the world/world system/culture/society
                   /relationships (1 John 2:15-17, Eph.5:7-10, 2 Cor.2:11, Eph.4:26-27)
                   (it is often manifested in strife, jealousy, dissensions, etc.),
            a battle with cosmic powers -- evil, supernaturalism (Eph.6:10-19, Rev.12:3-9), 
                   idolatry, sorcery, etc.

The entire human race is ruled by satan through:
            attacks the minds of the unbelievers (Matt.13:19, 2 Cor.4:3-4, 2 Thes.2:9-10),
            attacks believers (Lk.22:31, 2 Cor.11:3, Eph.6:12).
                   We give him an “opportunity” or a foothold in our lives through:
                          -unforgiveness - 2 Cor.2:11 and
                          -unresolved anger - Eph.4:26-27.
                    Our present reality is that we are within a war between 2 kingdoms -God’s 
                           kingdom and satan’s kingdom (satan cannot attack God, so he attacks 
                           God’s people).

Satan is already defeated/Jesus Christ is victorious:
Luke 10:18        Romans 8:37        1 Cor.15:24,27        2 Thes.2:8-11         
1 John 3:8         Rev.12:11               Rev. 20:10,15

Satan’s tactics:
            His names (which reveal his strategy and his character):
                     'dragon' - Rev.12:3-4 (to the Greek mind, a dragon was cruel, a dread and 
                          a hostile power)
                     'devil' (‘the adversary’) - Matt.4:1-11, 1 Peter 5:8                  
                     'evil one' - Matt.13:19                                                                           
                     'murderer'/'liar'/'father of lies' - John 8:44                                                         
                     'accuser' - Rev.12:10                                                                                            
                     'satan' (‘deceiver’) - Rev.12:9
                     'ruler of this world'  - John 14:30            
                     'schemer' - 2 Cor.2:11
                     'strongman' - Matt.12:29
                     'prince of power of the air' - Eph.2:2                                                                
                     'angel of light' - 2 Cor.11:14

            His motives:  to kill, steal, destroy - John 10:10. 

            His ‘fiery darts’ when attacking believers (Eph.6:16):
                   -doubt (James 1:6)  - he is master at planting seeds of doubt,
                 -  feeling forsaken (Psalm 139:9-12,17-18;  Rom.8:35-39) - he can tempt us to
                         think that even God has withdrawn His love for us,
                   - feeling unacceptable to God (Rom.5:6-10, 8:1; 1 Peter 2:4),
                   - not feeling forgiven (1 John 1:9) - remind yourself: ‘Lord, this sin just 
                          proves that I needed a Savior.  Thank You for dying on the cross for me!’,
                    -criticalness, slander, bitterness (Heb.12:15, Eph.4:31),
                    -“if only...”  (Ps.84:11) - makes me hope in something other than God,
                     -immorality (1 Thes.4:3-5, Col.3:5, 1 Cor.6:11) - ‘lust can never wait to take, 
                          but love can always wait to give’,
                     -worthlessness (Is.43:4,1 Peter 2:5, Eph.2:10, 1 John 4:7-21LB ) - remind 
                          yourself that you’re worth just as much to God as Jesus is worth to Him.

Our response as believers in the battle:
            resist firm in faith, resist and flee (1 Peter 5:9, James 4:7),
            realize your position in Christ (Eph.2:6) - you are assured victory over the 
            realize you are fighting in God’s strength (Eph.6:10),
            realize that His angels are assigned to you (Heb.1:14),
            clothe yourself in the armour of God daily (Eph.6:10-19).

Where the battle is played out:
            The battle against the flesh/mind - confess all known sin immediately, give the 
                 enemy no opportunity (do not allow bitterness, anger or unforgiveness to 
                 continue); “take every thought captive” (2 Cor.10:3-5).
            The battle against the world - renew your mind constantly, keep short accounts 
                 with God and others, (Rom.12:1-2, 1 Thes.4:1-8, Eph.4.1 - 5:14).
            The cosmic battle –
                    -rely on the supremacy of Jesus’ name (Lev. 10:17, Phil.2:9-11),
                    -rely on the power of the atoning blood of Jesus (Col.1:13-20, Rev.12:11),
                    -rely on the immanent presence of the Holy Spirit (John 14:6-7, Eph.5:18),
                    -invite the Holy Spirit to manifest Himself as:
            light to penetrate darkness (I John 1:5)
            truth to expose deception (John 16:13)
            fire to destroy impurity (Mal.3:3),
        -rely on the power of faith (Eph.6:16, Rom.4:20-21),
        -resist the enemy (James 4:7, 1 Peter 5:8-9),
        -rest in the assurance that the battle is the Lord’s (1 Sam.17:47, 
             2 Chron.20:15).

 He will break and lift the oppression in His way, in His time (2 Thes.3:3, 
 John 17:15) our power to ‘bind the strongman’ (Matt.12:29, 16:19) - our power 
and authority over the enemy comes as we take our stand in the name of Jesus.

         Relevant Scripture:    
 2 Chron.20                    Ps.35:1-10                    John 17:15                    2 Thes.3:3
              1 Pet.5:8-9                     1 Kings 19                    Ps.91, 97                        Rom.16:20
 2 Cor.12:7-10                 1 John 4:4                    Dan.10                           Ps.118             
 2 Cor.2L11                      James 4:6-11               Col.1:15-20                   Ps. 18
 Luke 9:1, 10:18              Eph.6:10-19                 Rev.12:7-11                  Eph.1:18-22

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