Monday, June 21, 2010

Meeting with God

A great way to enjoy time with God is to write about what you’re learning when you meet with Him. A journal is a wonderful tool for recording thoughts and emotions during your daily times with God. Keeping a journal has several benefits. It helps get your thoughts on paper, it’s a place to write and share your feelings with the Lord and record prayer requests and answers. Also, your journal is a useful place to write down your observations as you study God’s Word.

You’ll have special times with the Lord when you look back at the past months and years and worship Him for His faithfulness, provision and the personal growth you’ve seen. When you write in your journal don’t hesitate to include whatever is on your mind that you’d like to talk to the Lord about.

When you record your observations from personal Bible study, use the following suggestions to help you get started.

10 minutes Record: your thoughts, feelings, prayers for your time with the Lord.

20 minutes Read: Study the passage for the day. Read a book passage by passage or focus on a topic to study or use the suggested schedule below.

1. Write out the main thought of the passage.
2. Write what you learned.
3. Ask how this Scripture specifically applies to your life?

5 minutes Deed: Let Christ lead you to plan one totally unselfish and loving act of kindness for the day.  Pray that He will act through you to fulfill this plan in a vigorous and compassionate manner.

5 minutes Need: Decide what your greatest single need is for the day. Ask the Lord for clear insight about your life. Trust Him for great things.

Pray: Spend time in prayer. The ACTS strategy for prayer is a good model to begin with.

Adoration: Spend time praising the Lord by praying the Psalms back to Him (Psalm 28:7 
& 100:4).   Sing hymns, listening to a praise tape or praise Him for His attributes.

Confession: Ask God to search your heart (Psalm 139:23,24). Confess any sins the Holy 
Spirit  reveals to you (Psalm. 66:18, I John 1:9). Make certain that you're filled with the 
Spirit (Ephesians 5:15-20).

Thanksgiving: Thank God for all that He's done and is doing in your life and the lives of others. Write a list of what you're thankful for.

Supplication: Pray for specific things each day such as personal concerns, family, upcoming events,   friends, missionaries, etc. Write down your requests so you'll have a record of God's guidance and faithfulness

Here are two suggested plans for spending time with God this summer:

Getting started:

Option #1 – Growing Closer to God in 31 Days

1. Isaiah 55:6-11
11. Philippians 3:7-14
21. I John 4:7-13
2. Psalm 63:1-8
12. Psalm 34:1-10
22. I Thessalonians 4:1-8
3. Matthew 7:21-27
13. James 1:2-8
23. Psalm 119:1-11
4. Isaiah 40:28-31
14. II Corinthians 5:14-17
24. Ephesians 6:13-20
5. Psalm 1:1-6
15. Romans 8:31-39
25. Luke 11:5-10
6. Joshua 1:6-9
16. II Peter 1:4-8
26. Philippians 4:6-9
7. Mark 2:1-12
17. Colossians 1:9-14
27. Matthew 13:53-58
8. Luke 7:36-50
18. Philippians 2:1-11
28. Luke 7:2-10
9. John 15:1-8
19. Romans 12:1-5
29. II Timothy 2:1-7
10. II Corinthians 5:14-17
20. Ephesians 4:11-16
30. John 15:13-21

31. I Corinthians 9:19-27

Option #2 - New Testament Summer Reading Plan

Goal: Read through all of the New Testament during the summer.
Motivation: Gain an overall grasp of the New Testament.


II Corinthians
II Timothy
Romans 9
I Corinthians
II Thessalonians
I Timothy
II John
I Thessalonians
III John
I Peter
II Peter
I John


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