Our team recently
spent some time together looking back on this past school year and looking
ahead to the upcoming year. Before we started this time of ‘evaluation and
anticipation’ we were feeling somewhat discouraged as it didn’t seem that we
saw God do much through us. But we took
some time anyway in faith
celebrate together watching God work through us,
evaluate our part in His work, and
anticipate what He has in store for us in the next school year.
We spent time
individually with the Lord in asking Him to help us to answer the following
questions, then we met as a team to discuss these questions further. We were so encouraged when we compiled our
thoughts and observations together. We
truly saw God work this year!
Please take some
time yourself to record how you saw God work this year and to ask Him to lead
you in His work in the next school year.
I know you will be as encouraged as we were!
What were highlights for you this past year?
In what ways do you think God was honored/glorified this
characteristics of God stood out to you most as you served Him together?
What ‘evidences’ do you have that God was at work?
What specific
prayers did you see God answer this year?
If you could re-do this year (both personally and in
ministry), what would you do differently?
What did you
learn about God, about yourself, about your team, about ministry this year?
How did you grow
this year personally? How did you grow
as a team?
What specifically
pushed you/your team to increase in faith as you had to depend on God?
What seemed to be effective? Not effective? Why?
What ‘worked’?
What should you do again? What
needs tweaking? What should we not do
What did you do this year that will set you up for next
What do you need
to build on for next year as your ministry grows?
What can you/your team do this summer to prepare
personally and spiritually for building movements next year?
What does the Lord want to accomplish through you next
What should you commit to praying for now?
What are the things you should continue to do?
What strategies, resources, etc., do you need to prepare
for now so that you are ready for ministry to begin in the fall?
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