Thursday, November 14, 2013

Numbers 13 Prayer exercise

I was recently reading a blog that Gilbert Kingsley, a friend of mine, writes.  He was telling about an idea for praying for your campus that a co-worker, Dave Peterson, shared with him. Dave used a passage from Numbers 13 to help a group of students to pray for their campus in a different way than they usually pray. This might be helpful as you think about as you prepare yourselves for what God wants to do through you this year at your campus or among the students of your city.

Numbers 13 Prayer exercise

It is really pretty easy to do. Last week I met with a team of leaders who had just transitioned in because the key leader from the fall is spending the semester abroad.

I had the four students work together to make a map of the campus [you can draw out each location of your school in different sections on a piece of paper]. I had them highlight the dorms and write in how many students were in each dorm. If a dorm had freshman concentrations I had them write that information, [or other facts you know about the students in each dorm]. I then had them identify how many commuters came to the school and write that information where [they arrive when coming to campus]. The next thing I had them do on the map was have them … identify the main pathways and [hangout places] that exist on the campus.  [And list out any other helpful information about the students at your school.]

When they had completed this I had them open to Numbers 13:1-3, 17-33. We read the passage and I asked them the following questions:
§  What was happening in the passage?
§  What was the land like that the spies explored?
§  What was the report that the spies gave?
§  Did all the spies agree?
§  What was the difference between Joshua and Caleb and the other spies? (eyes of faith)
§  What do you think God wanted the people of Israel to do?

Answer the following questions as you think of your campus,
§  What is it like?
§  What are the giants that you face on campus?
§  What do you think God wants to do on our campus?
§  What do you need to do to see God’s plan for your campus become a reality.

… [Talk together about what you all are asking God to do at your school.  What would it look like if God answered your prayers and if God could work freely on your campus?]  Pray together conversationally about the vision that God has laid on your heart.

I think this is a really great idea for inspiring prayers of faith as you together ask God to do something that only He can do on your campus.  Please let me know what you are praying for God to do so that my team and I can join you in prayer!

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