Friday, September 20, 2013

"leader" or "Leader"?

My teammate, Robi, and I have been talking quite a bit lately about what a ‘leader’ is.  What do we mean when we talk with students about developing leaders of student spiritual movements?  I remember when someone first talked about me becoming a leader in our student movement that I balked at the thought that I would ever be a leader.  It seemed to me like being a leader carried too much responsibility.  I probably pictured being a leader the same as being a pastor or the president of some big company or even of a country.

I think of a pastor of a church or a president of a company as a ‘big L’ Leader.  A ‘big L’ Leader is someone who, simply put, is officially appointed to leadership and is given a position of power and authority over a group of people. 

Are we asking you to take on role of this kind of leadership or to develop this kind of leader within your movement?  In short, no.  In general what we are talking about in this blog and in New Life is a ‘small l’ leader. 

When you look at the men who Jesus challenged to be involved in His ministry, you see a group of uneducated, untrained men who the world would never consider a leader (Acts 4:12-14).  I am not saying that you are uneducated, but what I am saying that Jesus wasn’t looking for those who had credentials for leadership as He chose those who would help Him in His mission.

A ‘small l’ leader is someone who with or without being formally challenged:

- sees a need and takes steps to see that that need is met,

- works with others toward the fulfillment of a goal, taking on whatever role is necessary at the time,

- someone who takes a role of responsibility for carrying out a task giving oversight as he or she involves others in putting on an event or meeting,

- “acts upon the vision of a preferred future and then mobilizes others to join in the cause” (from Tim Elmore, president of Growing Leaders),

- may be part of a leadership team which helps to cast vision for God’s mission on your campus and gives direction to the group.

When you look at this list, what you really see is that a ‘small l’ leader is actually a servant.  A ‘small l’ leader is someone who is willing to serve God’s mission and those involved in the ministry in whatever capacity necessary.  These are the kinds of leaders we are asking you to be and the kinds of leaders we asking you to develop in your spiritual movement.   God can work mightily through servant leaders.

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