Friday, April 12, 2013

Internet evangelism: Ideas for turning personal chats into spiritual conversations

Many of you want to use the opportunity you have with your Facebook or V Kontakte friends to draw them into spiritual conversation.  I know that most of you are doing this very well.  For others of you who have the desire to engage your friends into deeper conversations about having a relationship with God, it might seem a little bit awkward to bring up conversations that they may not be expecting. 

This week I want to give you a few ideas that a friend of mine put together.  If you are looking for ways to start spiritual conversations, why don’t you look through the list below and find a few that feel right for you and try them with your Facebook or V Kontakte friends.  Let me know how it goes!  I’m praying for you!

How to use personal conversation via ‘chat.’
Personal conversations with someone asking simple questions.

- I have a video which\explains the essence of Christianity called “FallingPlates.” Would you be interested in watching it and explaining in your own words what you think the essence of Christianity is?  

- What touched you the most?  Which idea?

- How is this idea of Christianity different from your own view?

- (Name), I recently came across this article and immediately thought of you.  What do you think of this evidence?  How would you answer the question, ‘If God exists, would I want to know Him?  - article, “Is there a God?”   

- Do you remember when we were talking about different religions?  I just found this good overview of what we talked about.  Would you mind reading it and telling me what you observe that makes Christianity different from other religions?   
-Article “Connecting with the Divine  

- What do you think happens to you when you die?  This article will make you think.
– article, “Then  

-I was recently talking with some friends about faith in God.  I’m really curious what it is that keeps people from believing in God.  Would you mind sharing with me what it is that keeps you from believing in God? 

Example of an on-going dialog:
- I’m really interested in understanding what other students think about God.  If you were to stand before God, what say to Him? 
– (this is a great video, but you have to listen to the English underneath the Russian)

- How do you think He would respond to your answer?

- Is it possible to know what God thinks about us?

- May I share with you what the Bible say/what I think about this? 

Another example of an on-going dialog from the Winter Bible Conference (you can substitute a retreat or training time or meeting:

- Hey, I’m at a Christian conference right now and we were just asked the question, ‘what do people today understand the word ‘grace’?  Would you give me your definition?

- Do you know where this word is used most?

- How does this verse help you to understand the meaning of the word grace (Eph.2:8)? 

- Would you like to receive such a gift? 

- May I tell you how you can get this gift?


-I am now at a student conference and we are surveying students to get their opinion about a couple of questions:

-Who for you is the greatest example of love (a real person, a hero from a book, ect.)?  What makes him an example of love?
- What do you think of this example of love (you can use either the ‘Falling Plates’ video or the verse John 3:16)

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