Friday, July 20, 2012

How to help fulfill the Great Commission

What makes the Great Commission so great?!  I just learned that there was a “Limited Commission” found in Matt.10:5-42.  It is ‘limited’ in that the disciples were sent only to tell the Israelites about the kingdom of God.  The disciples were told specifically to avoid talking to the Samaritans or the Gentiles.  So the scope of the commission given in Matthew 10 was limited.

The Great Commission on the other hand, as given in Matt.28:16-20, is great because:
·         it is the last recorded personal instructions given by Jesus to His disciples,
·         it is a special calling given by Jesus to all His followers to take specific action,
·         it gives a concrete plan of action,
·         Jesus promises His presence with us as we serve Him,
·         it is a personal calling to each believer – not something just for pastors or missionaries or church workers,
·         and finally it is great, because the scope of the commission is great – go to every nation and peoples to share the gospel and to make disciples who will obey Jesus in everything and who will continue to go and make disciples of all nations.

Are you fulfilling your part of the Great Commission?  Do you know what is contained in the Great Commission?  Check out Transferrable Concept #7for a thorough overview on the Great Commission.  As with each booklet in the Transferrable Concepts series, included are sections for a more in-depth personal Bible study on the topic and discussion group questions.  Teaching others about the Great Commission is part of fulfilling the Great Commission, so take steps today!  Remember, the Lord is with you until the end of the age.

(The complete set of Transferrable Concepts topics.)

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