Thursday, February 23, 2012

“Easy Evangelism” - Offer some articles

I just came across a great idea for using as a way of gathering new contacts with nonbelievers.  It’s from Marilyn Adamson who came up with the idea of the site in English which is based on.  It’s a quick and simple way to connect with lots of students in a short amount of time with very little time and effort. 


If you'd like to try a special outreach, here's one that's pretty fun.

You grab a bunch of these 3x5 pieces of paper (see below). On it are the titles of various articles from

You walk up to someone and say...

"Hi. We are offering people a free article. I am wondering if any of these articles would interest you?"
As you say this, you hand them this small sheet of paper. (Have a pen on hand.)

Many people will gladly fill it out. When tried before, we were surprised at how people began volunteering their thoughts. Such as:
"I've been thinking about God lately. I'd like to check into this more."
"I've always wondered what proof people have for God's existence."
"Is it ok if I check a few of these?"
"I want all of these articles, because I'm really into this. I want people to know Jesus."
If someone asked why we were doing this, we'd just say, "We want people to become aware of this Website, and we'd like to hear what they think of the articles." Made sense to everyone. "Oh, ok."

Then do this...

That same day or night, take the papers that people had filled out, and email the person with a hyperlink to the article that they requested.

If the person checked the first box, you would write: "Here's the article that you requested today. This will be the only email you will receive from me. If you do have any questions or comments, I would be happy to reply. Just email me back."

If the person checked the second box: "Here's the article that you requested today. I will email you in a few days, to see what you thought of it. I hope you find it helpful."

What you do in preparation...
1. Print four of these to a page on 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper, then cut. Go cheap. Downloadable PDF of four on a page: click here.

2. If you have friends joining you in this outreach, email the following hyperlinks to everyone involved, so they would have them when they email the articles, that night, to those who asked for them:

Why Would God Allow Evil and Suffering?

How to Find Meaning & Direction in Life

God Doesn't Ask for Blind Faith

Is There Hope for a Lasting Marriage?

You can pick different articles and hyperlinks, if you want. Pretty simple.

Feel free to pick different articles and hyperlinks that you think the students on your campus will be interested in. It’s really pretty simple.

Please let me know how effective this strategy is on your campus!

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