Thursday, September 29, 2011

Preparing Future Leaders Now

 My friend Ben Rivera recently had a conversation with a student leader and he advised her to begin to prepare now for next year and for next year’s leaders.  You might be saying, “But we’re just getting into this school year, we’re not thinking about next year yet.”  However, there is something very powerful and important yet very simple that you can begin to do now to prepare future leaders…

 Journal Your Ministry Activities

 Buy yourself a small notebook and call it your “Ministry Journal” or create a document on your computer or start a blog.  In this journal you want to log and describe the activities that you’re doing each week with the campus ministry.  Describe all the things you are doing in ministry as well as how you felt things went and what changes you would make if you could do it again or if things went well, why they went well. 

 Activities you could include in your journal are: 

  •  Your leadership planning times 
  •  Weekly meetings or Bible studies if you have them
  • Beginning of year surveys
  • Social events or evangelistic outreaches
  • Prayer meetings
  • Reserving rooms or finding places to have meetings or events
  • Printing and putting up posters or how you advertised your activities
  • Things that went really well
  • Things you would do differently
  • Everything else you do for the ministry 

By journaling your activities and writing down what you’re learning, you are actually making an investment into the next generation of leaders on your campus.  

 Your journaled notes will give the next leaders a huge head start because they’ll have a better idea of what works and what does not work on your campus and how to go about doing things.  Plus they will glean from your experience so they don’t make the same mistakes you’ve made.  

 As you hand over leadership when you graduate, you will also pass them your ‘journal’, to those who will carry on.  When it comes to leaders for the future, now is the time to prepare.  Journaling 5-10 minutes each week could be one of the best things you do to continue the legacy of ministry on your campus. 

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