Believing students in America receive coaching tips that an acquaintance of mine
sends out. They are very similar to what
I send out to you. I loved what Ben Rivera
communicated to them a few weeks ago and thought that I couldn’t say it any better,
so I will forward to you his message to students in America who are asking God
to build spiritual movements on their campuses:
Another person and I went out on campus
to talk to students about the gospel a couple of days ago. We used a survey and a booklet explaining the
gospel (The Four Spiritual Laws) to talk with three students Tuesday afternoon.
None of them prayed to receive Christ but I felt like we had left them
with much to think about. It is always a privilege to plant the seeds of
the gospel in the lives of students with the hopes that in God’s timing they
might place their trust in Him.
One thing we can all know for sure is
that when we go out to share the gospel, using a booklet explaining the gospel,
our testimony, Soularium or other excellent evangelistic tools, you are100% successful.
Our success is not based upon whether someone makes a commitment to
receive Christ, although that is what we would love to see. But our
success is based on our obedience to be His ambassadors, His mouth piece, to
share the gospel message. It is totally up to the Holy Spirit to draw
someone into a relationship with Christ. There is no pressure whatsoever
on us. Every time we go out to share the gospel, we are 100%
successful. God simply wants our hearts and our lives to be His as we are
obedient to share the gospel message.
Here is a great definition of Successful Witnessing: “Stepping out in faith (taking
the initiative), to share the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit and
leaving the results to God.”
Go the extra mile the rest of your
semester. Share your faith, do immediate and careful follow-up, invite
students to your small group Bible discussions, and be sure to pray as much as
you can all over campus. Our responsibility is to go,
the Holy Spirits job is to draw people toward a relationship with God. There’s
no pressure on us. We are 100% successful.
This takes off most of the pressure in thinking that it
is up to me to convince the person with whom I am sharing the gospel that he or she
needs to receive Christ as their Savior.
My responsibility is to be filled with the Spirit, go out in faith, tell
what I know to be true about Jesus and let God take care of the rest. It is His responsibility to cause people’s
hearts to turn to Him. It makes talking
to people about Christ so much more enjoyable, knowing that God will do His
part; I simply have to be faithful to do my part.
No one can come to Me unless the Father who
sent Me draws him…John 6:44
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