Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many
advisers they succeed Prov. 15:22
Prepare plans by consultation, and make war by wise
guidance. Prov. 20:18
planning will watch over you.
Understanding will keep you safe. Prov. 2:1
Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be
established. Prov. 16:3
There is an old saying “If you fail to plan,
you’re planning to fail”- it’s old but still true. For every hour you spend in
planning, you’re likely to save five times that in execution. God
desires to use our lives in purposeful ways. He delights when we use the minds,
passion and zeal He has given us for His purposes and to glorify Him!
Here are some helpful things to think about as you trust Him
to build a Spiritual Movement of God on your campus:
1. Gather
the group you have to plan and pray together. Prov. 15:22
2. What’s the
Vision he wants to give you for reaching your campus
*Keep the Mission in mind: “to
glorify God through sharing the gospel with lost
students and through the
training of faithful disciples who will carry the good
news about Christ to the
ends of the earth.” (one suggestion)
*How could this mission be lived out on
your campus?! Dream big - we have a big
*Write out some of those things that God
impresses on your hearts about what you
would like to see happen in your
3. The Steps. How will you reach the vision God gives
you? What steps do you want to take? At the core of every
spiritual movement
for God are the steps the Lord has already laid out for us in the Great
Use the planning
worksheet in this section to help you brainstorm ideas and track with
Step ~ Win – Providing opportunities for
people to come to know Christ
*What are some ways to gather non-believers
especially the first few weeks
on campus?
*What are some ideas for evangelistic outreaches?
Step ~ Build – Providing opportunities for people to grow and develop
*Who can lead small group Bible studies? How can we serve the campus
the community? (Service can be a great expression of God’s love and a great
to grow in our faith.
*What else can we do to help believers
Step ~ Send – Providing opportunities for
people to go out and share Christ’s
*Are there ways we can partner with others
to reach our campus?
*How can we recruit people to conferences,
mission trips etc.?
to consider before you start planning:
A study has been done showing that the friends and alliances that
first-year students make in the first 2 weeks of school turn out to be the
friends and alliances that they maintain throughout their career as a
student. If they make friends with those
who enjoy the ‘wilder’ scene, then they will most likely continue to hang out
with those friends throughout the school year.
It is very important that we give them some alternative choices for
friends and activities and alliances the first few weeks of campus!
Many of you are upperclassmen and may not be planning on doing
much on campus until your classes begin later in the month. I would like to challenge you to sacrifice
some of your free time in September to take advantage of the fact that
first-year students are very eager to make friends and find things to do at
this time. It would be a great time to
hand out the student magazines to first-year students the first 2 weeks of
September. You could host some
activities (hikes, picnics in the park, movie night, tea and games, etc) during
the time when these students are looking for something to do.
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