Friday, June 19, 2009

Questions for personal revival

I like to go through this list every few years.  It helps me to consider whether all areas of my life are under the Lord's control.  I hope you find it helpful as well!


Do I love to read and meditate on the Word of God?
Are my personal devotions consistent and meaningful?
Do I practically apply God's Word to my everyday life?
Do I consistently obey what I know that God wants me to do?


Am I faithful in praying for the needs of others?
Do I pray specifically, fervently, and faithfully for revival in my life, my church and our nation?


Am I more concerned about pleasing God than I am about being accepted and appreciated by men?
Is there anything in which I have failed to put God first?
Have I neglected to seek to be pleasing to Him in all things?
Have my decisions been made after my own wisdom and desires, rather than seeking and following God's will?
Do I highly value the things that please God?
Does anything mean more to me than living for and pleasing Jesus?
Am I allowing Jesus to be Lord of every area of my life?

Is there consistent evidence of the fruit of the Spirit being produced in my life?
Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to direct and control my life every moment of every day?
Am I sensitive to the conviction and promptings of God's Spirit?
Am I quick to respond in humility and obedience to the conviction and promptings of the Spirit?


Do I complain?
Do I find fault?
Do I have a critical attitude toward any person or thing?
Am I irritable or cranky?
Do I ever carry hidden anger?
Do I become impatient with others?
Do I ever lie?
Do I ever exaggerate?
Do I take the slightest credit for anything good about myself rather than give all the glory to God?
Are my feelings easily hurt?
Have I made a pretense of being something that I am not?
Am I self-conscious rather than Christ conscious?
Do I allow feelings of inferiority to keep me from attempting things I should in serving God?
Am I willing to give up all sin for God?
Do I keep short sin accounts with God?


Am I as much in love with Jesus as I have ever been?
Am I thrilled with Jesus, filled with His joy and peace, making Him the continual object of my love?
Am I more concerned about what God thinks about my life that about what others thing?
Am I allowing my emotions to be stirred for the things of the Lord, but doing nothing about it?
Do I talk of what I have done rather than of what Christ has done?   


Am I quick to admit to others when I am wrong?
Do I consistently seek forgiveness from those I wrong or offend?
Am I quick to forgive those who wrong me or hurt me?
Is there anyone against whom I haven't forgiven?
Is there anyone against whom I hold a grudge?
Is there anyone against whom I hate?
Is there anyone against whom I do not love?
Are there any misunderstandings that I am unwilling to forget?
Is there any person against whom I am harboring bitterness, resentment or jealousy?
Do I allow anything to justify a wrong attitude toward anyone?
Do I seek to resolve conflicts in relationships as soon as possible?
Is my conscience clear with every man?
Am I guilty of any contention or strife?
Am I a partaker in any divisions, or party spirit?
Do I gossip?
Do I engage in empty and unprofitable conversation?


Do I consistently witness for Christ?


Do I keep my mind free from books, magazines, or entertainment that could stimulate    fantasizing or thought that are not morally pure?
Do I listen to unedifying TV programs?
Do I read unworthy magazine articles?
Do I have any personal habits that are not pure?
Do I allow impure thoughts about the opposite sex to stay in my mind?


Have I neglected tot hank Him for all things:  the seemingly bad as well as the good?
Have I virtually called God a liar by doubting His word?
Do I carry any bitterness toward God?
Have I complained against Him in any way?
Have I been dissatisfied with His provision for me?
Is there in my heart any unwillingness to obey God fully?

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