Friday, June 26, 2009

Personal Purity

I went through this very worksheet while a student and still remember how helpful it was in leading me through God's Word, guiding me in making convictions about the physical part of my dating relationships.  Set aside some time when you can reflect and allow the Lord to speak into your life. 

Personal Purity
  1. Read Gen. 2:18-24. What is God's attitude toward sex?
  1. Read Ps 66:18, Is. 59:2, Eph. 5:5-6, and Heb.13:4. What effect does following our lusts have on our relationship to God?
  1. According to Prov. 5:3-6, 6:32, what are some results of premarital or extramarital sex?
  1. Why does everyone struggle with the temptation of immorality (Gal. 5)?
  1. What is God's will for our lives in the area of morality (1 Thes. 4:3-8 and 1 Cor..6:12-20)?
  1. What activities or environments can produce wrong thoughts in your mind? How does Scripture encourage us to deal with impure thoughts (Rom. 12:1-2, Phil.s 4:8-9, Prov. 22:3, Luke 6:45)?
  1. Think about the type of dating relationship that you desire to have. What would be different from previous relationships, if anything? What convictions would you have and what guidelines would you set?
  1. You are not alone in your struggle of immorality. The "man after God's own heart" struggled with this. Yet God is gracious and forgiving. Read Ps. 51:1-4.
    1. Against whom did David really sin?
    1. What did David ask of God?
    1. In verse 15, what did David resolve to do after he was forgiven?
  1. How does God view sin in the Christian's life?
    1. Psalm 103:12
    1. Isaiah 38:17
    1. Isaiah 43:25
    1. Micah 7:19
Action Points

  1. Thank God that He has totally forgiven you.
  2. List your standards for the physical aspects of dating. (See “ESTABLISHING CONVICTIONS AND DECIDING YOUR LIMITS” worksheet.)
  3. Pray and ask for God's wisdom, protection from temptation, and courage to say NO.
  4. Have someone keep you accountable, if you are not accountable. Accountability works only when you see a need for it and when you make the commitment to be open and honest with someone.
  5. Memorize Scripture, which is the renewing of your mind. Start with some of the verses found in this worksheet that the Holy Spirit has used to help you think about this area of your life.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Questions for personal revival

I like to go through this list every few years.  It helps me to consider whether all areas of my life are under the Lord's control.  I hope you find it helpful as well!


Do I love to read and meditate on the Word of God?
Are my personal devotions consistent and meaningful?
Do I practically apply God's Word to my everyday life?
Do I consistently obey what I know that God wants me to do?


Am I faithful in praying for the needs of others?
Do I pray specifically, fervently, and faithfully for revival in my life, my church and our nation?


Am I more concerned about pleasing God than I am about being accepted and appreciated by men?
Is there anything in which I have failed to put God first?
Have I neglected to seek to be pleasing to Him in all things?
Have my decisions been made after my own wisdom and desires, rather than seeking and following God's will?
Do I highly value the things that please God?
Does anything mean more to me than living for and pleasing Jesus?
Am I allowing Jesus to be Lord of every area of my life?

Is there consistent evidence of the fruit of the Spirit being produced in my life?
Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to direct and control my life every moment of every day?
Am I sensitive to the conviction and promptings of God's Spirit?
Am I quick to respond in humility and obedience to the conviction and promptings of the Spirit?


Do I complain?
Do I find fault?
Do I have a critical attitude toward any person or thing?
Am I irritable or cranky?
Do I ever carry hidden anger?
Do I become impatient with others?
Do I ever lie?
Do I ever exaggerate?
Do I take the slightest credit for anything good about myself rather than give all the glory to God?
Are my feelings easily hurt?
Have I made a pretense of being something that I am not?
Am I self-conscious rather than Christ conscious?
Do I allow feelings of inferiority to keep me from attempting things I should in serving God?
Am I willing to give up all sin for God?
Do I keep short sin accounts with God?


Am I as much in love with Jesus as I have ever been?
Am I thrilled with Jesus, filled with His joy and peace, making Him the continual object of my love?
Am I more concerned about what God thinks about my life that about what others thing?
Am I allowing my emotions to be stirred for the things of the Lord, but doing nothing about it?
Do I talk of what I have done rather than of what Christ has done?   


Am I quick to admit to others when I am wrong?
Do I consistently seek forgiveness from those I wrong or offend?
Am I quick to forgive those who wrong me or hurt me?
Is there anyone against whom I haven't forgiven?
Is there anyone against whom I hold a grudge?
Is there anyone against whom I hate?
Is there anyone against whom I do not love?
Are there any misunderstandings that I am unwilling to forget?
Is there any person against whom I am harboring bitterness, resentment or jealousy?
Do I allow anything to justify a wrong attitude toward anyone?
Do I seek to resolve conflicts in relationships as soon as possible?
Is my conscience clear with every man?
Am I guilty of any contention or strife?
Am I a partaker in any divisions, or party spirit?
Do I gossip?
Do I engage in empty and unprofitable conversation?


Do I consistently witness for Christ?


Do I keep my mind free from books, magazines, or entertainment that could stimulate    fantasizing or thought that are not morally pure?
Do I listen to unedifying TV programs?
Do I read unworthy magazine articles?
Do I have any personal habits that are not pure?
Do I allow impure thoughts about the opposite sex to stay in my mind?


Have I neglected tot hank Him for all things:  the seemingly bad as well as the good?
Have I virtually called God a liar by doubting His word?
Do I carry any bitterness toward God?
Have I complained against Him in any way?
Have I been dissatisfied with His provision for me?
Is there in my heart any unwillingness to obey God fully?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer resources

Your school year is almost over – congratulations! 

I will continue to send coaching tips throughout the summer.  Instead of focusing on ministry ideas (as I do during the school year), I will send you some articles and Bible studies and worksheets, etc that are designed to help you in your personal growth as you walk more and more closely with the Lord.  Summers often have a more relaxed pace of life, so take your time as you read the coming рассылкаs and allow God to use them to work in you.

Some of my favorite times with God have been going through the “31-day experiment.”  I remember how excited I was as a young believer, just beginning to read the Bible.  I had heard several really cool verses and passages from the Bible, but I had no idea of where to find them.   Each morning I could hardly wait to see what passage was next to read as the 31-Day Experiment took me to each of those great places in the Bible.  It was like a treasure hunt where each step was finding the buried (for me at least) treasure!

Enjoy your summer and enjoy the Lord!