Monday, May 11, 2009


“In the Old Testament God had His people build a monument

 every time He performed a great miracle in their lives.  The

monument was to remind them of God’s presence and power...of

God’s love and concern for [them].”    Ken Green

*Joshua 4:1-7

1 Samuel 6:18b (last part of verse only)

*1 Chronicles 16:12

*Psalm 145:5-7, 10-12

Psalm 103:2

Isaiah 55:12-13

Psalm 138:5

At regular intervals in your life and ministry (end of school years, end of summers, etc.) take some time with the Lord to reflect over what He has taught you, what He has done in your life and what He has done through you. 

In your journal list those things as memorials to the Lord, as testimonies to His faithfulness.  These lists will serve as written reminders of His presence and His power in your life, of His love and concern for you -- especially when you find yourself doubting Him.

I often do this this as a group of people who are trusting Him together as a team to work through us.  We often go on a prayer walk at the end of the school year and I look for stones in a ‘flat’ surface on one side which we will use at the end of a time of reflecting and ‘building our memorial’ to the Lord.   

After we individually spend time in reflection, then I have us come together as a group to share the things we want to remember that the Lord did for us during the past year.  Then I ask each person to choose one thing that most represents for them God’s power or provision or presence or work or care…and write that in a short phrase on their rock.   

We then place the rocks together in a pile, representing our ‘memorial’.  

Later, if you don’t want to keep the rocks piled together, each person can take their rock with them to serve as a reminder of what the Lord has done.  I have several such rocks on my bookshelf which are memorials to what God did over the years.  I strongly encourage you to do this exercise to help you keep your eyes on what God has done in response to your faith.

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