“…but as for you, go
and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:60) God reminded me this morning as I spent time
with Him in His Word that the task that He has invited me to join in with Him
is to take the gospel to the world. It
is a very straightforward and clear task.
He leads me in this task (“and lo,
I am with you to the ends of the earth.” Mt. 28:20) so I don’t have to be
I was recently in the Caucuses at a student retreat. It was so much fun to be with believers from
other parts of Russia. The Lord’s
presence was evident. While there I had
a great conversation with one of the student leaders and we talked some about their
need for putting together a leadership team.
Perhaps others of you are also at this point and may be interested in
knowing what we talked about.
- The student listed on a piece of paper those who were currently coming to student meetings who had a strong desire to share the gospel on their campus and who were committed to giving time and prayer to starting a movement at their university. These were potential members for the leadership team.
- She next was going to invite these students together and speak about her vision for being a light for Christ to lost students.
- Connected with this was a time where they were going to look at some passages of Scripture that talk about what Jesus has sent us to do (look below for ideas of which passages tell us of the task He has set before us).
- The rest of the group could share their vision for reaching their campuses.
- They will then spend some time praying for their campuses.
- She would end this initial meeting by asking the potential student leaders to take some time to ask God if He was leading them to make a commitment to become part of the leadership team for this year and let her know in a few days. Those who were able to make this commitment would become part of the leadership team.
- It would be helpful for the team to meet again and spend some time in prayer, asking God to lead them in a time of planning for the semester. Any planning should be preceded in extended time in asking God what He would have you do to make His name known on your campus. It would be good to begin now to ask God to place His plans on your hearts and to unite you together in that plan (Philippians 1:27-28).
Next week I will send you ideas of how you can make a plan
for reaching your campus which will give some “next steps” to those of you who
would like a little more direction.
A sampling of passages that speak about the task God has
called us to:
Matthew 28:18-20
Mark 16:15
Luke 24:46-47
Luke 9:60
Acts 1:8
2 Corinthians 5:11-21
Ephesians 3:8-12
Philippians 1:27-28
Colossians 1:28-29
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