Monday, February 10, 2014

Smooth Sailing – how to be filled with the Holy Spirit

I generally don’t like to do things more than once:
  • I don’t like to eat food prepared the same way more than one time,
  • I don’t like to travel the same route more than one time,
  • If I had a choice of going back to a place I have already visited and going someplace where I have never been, I will choose going to the new place,
  • I don’t like to read a book more than once – there are so many good books in the world to read, why waste time re-reading something again?!! 
There are so many new things to experience, so why settle for something you have already eaten, seen, visited or read before?

But there are times when re-reading something helps to stimulate my thinking on certain subjects.  For the next several weeks I am going to post some of the blogs that I have written which have been more popular.  (I have been writing this blog for over 5 years now and there are many new readers, so for some of you, these blogs will actually be new.)

Today’s blog is one I wrote a couple of years ago that reminds us of where to find God’s power for fulfilling God’s mission.  

As you learn to allow God’s power to work in you and through you, what differences have you seen from when you have tried to do ministry in your own limited power?  I would love to hear what you are learning!