Friday, August 23, 2013

Cultivating, Casting and Catching Vision

This week we are finishing our Leader Development series.  We have covered a number of topics that deal with the inner life of a leader as well as touching on a few these past 2 weeks that talk about leading and communicating with grace and vision.

This last article (which starts on page 7 of this resource) is sort of long, and it is very ‘American’ but there are some really good principles for cultivating, casting and catching vision.  Both last week’s and this week’s blog should be very helpful to you as you help others catch a vision for what God wants to do through you to build spiritual movements on your campus, in your city, and in your region.  The principles you learn from these 2 resources can give you some direction as you help others cast this vision to others. 

Please let me know how God is developing this ability/skill/ whatever in you!  I would love for us to write together a new article for our context in Russia. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Leading with vision

I am really excited about this last set of resources for Leader Development.  It is timely as you begin to prepare for the coming school year. 

This resource walks you through some Biblical examples of vision and casting vision to others, so you can learn principles of vision casting.  It also walks you through steps of clarifying your own vision and the vision you want to share with those you would like to join you in God’s mission for you on campus.  You will be directed in how to refine how you might communicate to others this vision that God has called you to participate in with Him.  I think this Bible study/guide will prove to be an invaluable tool for helping you communicate vision to others.

I will be praying for you as you walk through this process, asking God to lay His vision on your heart as you seek to challenge others to join you in making His name known on your campus.