Thursday, August 30, 2012

Seeker Bible studies

So you have just had a long conversation with someone carefully explaining the gospel and, though they don’t want to place their trust in Jesus right now for salvation, they say that they want to talk more about spiritual things.  What do you do?

The Apostle Paul was in a similar situation in Acts 17:32, and although it doesn’t say what happened next, I am sure he was well prepared to continue the conversation about Jesus with the interested Athenians.  What would you do? 

I am happy to tell you that we now have a set of seekerBible studies on [they are not on so you will have to follow the above link!]  We have translated these materials from Agape UK (what New Life is called in the United Kingdom).  Please let me know how they work with your non-Christian friends!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Our Vision – to fulfill Christ’s mission

I love reading books and articles about vision and mission.  I recently came across an article by Grant Kaul, pastor in Waco, Texas that caused me to reflect.  He said,

Christ's mission is to be our vision.  Growing in Christ takes us from just knowing His plan to actually following it.  His mission is owned when it is embodied.  Where are you today on the path of living out His purpose?  What next step is the Savior seeking and enabling you to take?  When those we invest in take the initiative to invest in others, God is glorified and His mission moves forward in this world.”

Are you still thinking and dreaming about seeing a Transformational Community develop on your campus?  Go back to the article and pay special attention to the sections “What Is Your Dream?”,  “What Is the Campus Like?”, “Who Are the Leaders?” .  In light of the things God is showing you as you have been praying and thinking through these questions, ask yourself:

What do I/we want to see God do on my/our campus this school year? 

Where am / where are we today on the path of living out His purpose? 

What next step is the Savior seeking and enabling me/us to take? 

What is my/our dream?

Write it down and continue to pray for God to work to fulfill this vision, this dream through you on your campus.  Next week we will talk more about how to realize that dream.