Friday, October 29, 2010

Discipleship motivation and resources

In the second verse of the second chapter of the second epistle to Timothy, Paul set out a philosophy of discipleship.  He tells Timothy to teach/train/disciple those who will teach/train/disciple others to grow in relationship with Christ, understanding of the Bible and in bringing the Good News to others (see also Matt.23:18-20). 

“Discipleship” is not something we should expect pastors or the church to do in our place.  We all should take responsibility to help other believers grow.  The church provides excellent opportunities for believers to grow in knowledge and understanding of God through the Bible.  All believers should regularly go to church and Sunday School to get good Bible teaching! 

As believers we should look for opportunities where we ourselves are being challenged to grow all the while looking for opportunities where we can help others grow.  It’s like eating food and exercise.    If I eat food and just keep eating more food and more food, I will get fat (it’s happening at this very moment!).  But if I observe a regular exercise program while I eat regularly (and I am very regular in my eating!), then I will work off the calories I’m taking in.  I will have a healthy body.

It’s the same in our Christian life – if we keep taking in good teaching from church, from youth group, from reading Christians books, from going to retreats and conferences, but don’t have a way to give out that knowledge, we will become “fat Christians.”  And if we are just taking in more and more knowledge, then we will actually become “fat-headed Christians” with small hearts and small limbs and small unhealthy bodies.  Not a pretty sight!

Where to start: 
·         if you haven’t already taken initiative to find a group or a discipler who will take personal interest in helping you progress in your walk with God, do it now. Initiate with someone who you can help to grow.  You could start with 1 person or meet with a group of several believers who want to grow together in their relationship with Christ.

What should you go over?  There are lots of good resources, but we recommend these sets of materials:
o   Follow up: written to help establish believers in the foundational truths about their relationship with God  
o   РОСТ:  topical studies designed for discipleship of the whole person [sorry, not available in English]
o   CruComm : similar topics as РОСТ, but they tend to focus on one larger passage of Scripture or book of the Bible.

I can promise that you will find that you will grow faster and deeper in your walk with God because you are helping others to grow in their walk.  It’s such a delight and a blessing to be used by God to help others grow and help to transform the world with Christ while doing your part in helping to fulfill the Great Commission!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Bringing God’s Power into Everything

“When we can do something, we do it; when we can’t do something, we pray.”   I recently heard these words at a gathering of our staff for a worldwide day of prayer.  I was really struck by how true this statement was in my life:  if something needs to be done in ministry (or in life in general) and I can do it in my own ability and in my own power, then I just do it without bringing God into that effort. 

It’s usually only when I have to do something that is beyond my ability that I turn to God to ask Him to give me His power to do that thing.  By doing this I limit what God can do, because His power, ability and wisdom are far greater than what I could ever do on my own.

Do these words ring true in your heart as they did in mine? 

Take a moment to reflect on these verses:

o   Phil.4:6 - be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer…(God reminds us to bring everything to Him in prayer)

o   Phil.4:13 - I can do all things through Him who strengthens me… (He works through me with all His power)

o   John 15:5 - he who abides in Me…bears much fruit… (it’s through my dwelling in Him, being with Him in everything, that I see fruit for my efforts)

o   Jeremiah 32:17You have made the heavens and they earth by Your great power…nothing is too difficult for You…(why rely on my own puny efforts when I can call upon the power of the God who called the universe into being?!)

Let’s commit together to turn to the Lord for His power and strength and wisdom in everything we do!