Monday, April 26, 2010

End Of Year Evaluation

2 TIMOTHY 2:1-6
for End Of Year Evaluation

As you come to the end of your school year, it is a good time to take a step back and evaluate how you have done this year in being available for God to build His Kingdom through you on your campus.  Paul’s admonition to young Timothy is a good place to go for some direction in evaluation of yourself as a team/group or as an individual trusting God as you are actively trusting God in the ministry where He has called you to serve.

1-In what ways have you experienced God’s grace this year (v.1)?

2-How have you seen your disciples ministering to others (v.2)?

3-”Soldier” (v.4) in Greek carries the connotation of ‘camping out; of enduring hardship’.  How have you endured hardship this year?

4- In what ways have you had to discipline yourself in order to ‘compete as an athlete’ (v.5) in ministry this year?

5- In verse 6, what is the word picture here for ministry?  What fruit of your labor are you seeing?

6- Take out your “strategic plan” (or whatever you used as a plan for this year).  Go over the things you wrote down that you felt like God was leading you to do. 

  • What did you do that was ‘successful’ this year?

  • What did not go well and why?  Should you change some things and do it again or not attempt it again at all?
  • What did you do that was most effective?

  • What did you do that has required/built faith?

  • What did you do this year that has helped you move ahead in reaching your objective of building a spiritual movement on your campus?

  • If you could do this year over again, what would you do differently?

  • How would you describe the work God did on your campus?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Small things…

I recently finished a personal Bible study on the Kingdom of God.  The Lord encouraged me with these thoughts:   

The Kingdom of God is a power already released in the world.  Its beginnings are tiny – but once it has been begun, nothing can stop it.  Not even the “gates” or powers of hell can prevent the Kingdom of God from coming to completion.

Three word pictures of the Kingdom of God are given in the gospels:   
  • The lump of yeast is small, but when added to flour it will leaven into a very large quantity of dough (Matthew 13:33).
  • The mustard seed is tiny, but if you plant it, it will grow to become one of the largest of trees (Matthew 13:31-32).
  • If you sow a field with seed, you will have set in motion forces which one day will produce the harvest (Mark 4:26-29).
This is what the Kingdom of God is like – it starts small, but with time it will grow to something overwhelmingly large!

If you are praying for and trusting God to start a movement to bring the Kingdom of God to the lost on your campus, you are partnering with Him to set into motion the forces which will produce a harvest for God! 

Many of you are in the beginning stages of starting to build God’s Kingdom at your school.   Remember that although the results you may be seeing today seem small, maybe even invisible, they will eventually result in a large harvest!  Look at this amazing story of how God used “small beginnings” in prayer to build a fruitful movement in Irkutsk: 

How one person accomplished much through prayer: [Irkutsk, Russia - 2005]: there is a dormitory in Irkutsk which is now considered “the Christian Dorm”.  Most of the students involved in the local ministry live in this dorm as do most of those who place their trust in Christ as Savior each year.  At that time, in fact, 4 of the Russian New Life staff serving in Irkutsk lived in this dorm as students.

Why is all this happening in this one particular dormitory?  This dorm has a history. A Christian student lived in that dorm in 1995 and during his first year at the university he and a small group of students from his church decided to start a prayer time for the dorm.  They faithfully prayed for the dorm and for the university.  It wasn’t long after they began to pray regularly that the university administration found out about these “strange meetings” and forbid them to continue.  But this didn’t stop the students from praying, instead they began to meet more frequently and the size of the prayer group grew.  And in 2005 we were still seeing answers to their prayers begun in 1995.

It turns out that the “history of prayer” for this dorm began even earlier than 1995!  Not long ago one of our New Life staff met a pastor who said that he also lived in that very same dorm when he was a student there in 1991.  He was the only believer in this dorm at the time and he began praying continually for the dorm, for the students who lived there and for his university from his freshman year until he graduated. 

Perhaps this pastor really wasn’t the first to begin praying for this dorm…we don’t know when the “history of prayer” for this dorm began, but we do know that it is continuing.  The former student/now pastor noted, “with prayer it all begins and with prayer it continues”.  And the students in that dorm are continuing to pray today that God will use them to gather a future harvest.

As you step out in faith and ask God to use you in bring His Kingdom to the lost at your school, remember that the forces of God have been set into motion, which will inevitably build His Kingdom!  Once started, even though it may be a small beginning, God’s Kingdom cannot be stopped!  Stay on the course He has set before you, don’t stop believing that He will do it, walk by faith in His power, stay faithful to the little things and the big things, don’t give up in despair and doubt.  God’s Kingdom will come to you campus!